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Can my dog have?

Top googled questions about dogs

Can I feed my dog raw chicken?

Our Answer:  Let's say your dog kills a chicken and eats it, well that would be a lot more safe than chicken that has been processed and just like in humans, it has a high risk for salmonella or other bacterial contamination. So just playing it, say our answer is No… We boil our chicken breasts for 12-15min pull it let it cool then cut into chunks. 


Can I feed my dog cat food?

Our answer: Cat food is made perfectly for the cat's protein, vitamin and mineral needs. Just like dog food is made to support the animal, will it hurt if your dog gets into some cat food…no. But it wouldn't be a sustainable diet to feed your dog, even if they seem to scarf it when they find it! 


Can I feed my dog raw eggs?

Our answer: Have you ever been warned against eating raw cookie dough? Well, that is because of the raw eggs in the dough… So we deem cooked eggs to be much better for the dog than raw egg, next time you want to feed your puppers an egg just boil or scramble it quick with no salt. So our answer is Yes if cooked.



Can my dog have pineapple?

Our answer: With fresh pineapple, it can be a great snack in moderation for your puppers. It has been said canned is not suggested due to the syrup in canned pineapple.

Can my dog have apples?

Our Answer: Yes! They are an amazing fruit with vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants! Also helps with digestion! But just like us humans, the seeds can be super toxic to dogs.


Can I feed my dog canned tuna?

Our Answer: No, we would not recommend feeding your pup canned tuna. Will it hurt in small amounts, no. But fresh tuna would be a much better option if you were going to feed tuna. 


Can I feed my dog raw meat?

Our Answer: We personally do not feed a raw meat diet. Is it okay to throw your pup some fat off a steak or even a chunk of steak, sure. But as a sole diet, it doesn't contain all the vitamins and nutrients for your pet. We answer this one is it safe, yes done correctly, is it a full time diet…no. 


Can I feed my dog sweet potato?

Our Answer: Yes! Sweet potatoes are one of the best dietary sources of vitamin A. This helps with Skin, Coat, Eyes, Muscles, and nerves. It's amazing. 

Can I feed my dog onions?

Can I feed my dog garlic?

Can I feed my dog chives?

Our Answer: These are all in the same family and are an absolute No for us. Onions contain Thiosulfate which causes oxidative damage to red blood cells, resulting in hemolytic anemia 


Can I feed my dog Macadamia Nuts?

Our Answer: No, These are know to cause inflammation of the pancreas which can be fatal to the dog.


Can I feed my dog Avocado?

Our Answer: We do not recommend avocados as parts of the avocado contain Persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. So No, we stay on the safe side of things. 


Can my dog have Blueberries?

Our Answer: Yes…we feed our pups blueberries quite a bit! They are a superfood rich in antioxidants, which prevent cell damage.

Can my dog have corn on the cob? & Can my dog have corn?

Our Answer: No…the cob can cause a serious intestinal blockage. But corn off the cob in moderation should be fine. 


Can I feed my dog rice?

Our Answer: Yes, we actually use this every once in a while or if we have left over plain rice from dinner. This is also good for dogs that have upset tummies, we usually mix with boiled chicken. 


Can my dog have honey?

Our Answer: Yes, your pup can have honey, but it is recommended not more than a teaspoonful a day. This contains natural sugars and some vitamins! 


Can my dog have popcorn?

Our Answer: In short yes, once again everything in moderation. But having some popped popcorn in small amounts should be just fine. Play catch with a few pieces! 


Can I feed my dog once a day?

Our Answer: Okay, this one is a top asked question. We personally feed our dogs once per day at night, this meal is always super full of protein, fruits, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, taste of the wild kibble, vitamin syrup called Dyne & other stuff. So if done correctly yes, done with just your standard kibble no I wouldn't do that, i would feed that twice a day. Actually, they have found dogs who eat 1 good meal a day improved their cognitive function. This is also by pet and age… Our puppies get fed up to three times a day, same goes for elderly pups. So take this one for how you feed and how hungry your dog is… One thing we would never recommend is free feeding your dog. Check out our training section to learn how this can be a big tool.


Below is a sample of one of our feedings.


Can I feed my dog Chocolate?

Our Answer: No, chocolate contains something called  theobromine, as well as caffeine. These are both toxic to dogs and cats. Now these very rarely result in death but sure can.  


Can I feed my dog grapes?

Can I feed my dog raisins?

Our Answer: This is a No grapes and raisins contain Tartaric Acid which will result in vomiting and diarrhea in your puppers!


Can I feed my dog a bone?

Our Answer: Okay, let's talk about this… Cooked bones are an absolute no-go. These can splinter and shatter, which can cause serious issues that can result in surgery or even death of your dog. Certain bones are great, even raw bones, but we just stay on the safe side and do not feed our dogs bones as we have seen very bad situations in the past. 


Can I feed my dog pumpkin?

Our Answer: Yes! Pumpkin is absolutely amazing from curing diarrhea to helping your pup with a sick stomach. Pumpkin is a great source of fiber for the dog. We feed 1-2 tablespoons almost every day mixed in with their meals. We use 100% pumpkin purée found in the canned isle of any grocery store.


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